Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Keeping on...

Hello out there!  Is anyone reading this?  I’ll admit, I’m probably not the most scintillating writer on the planet, and I’m not full of sunshine and rainbows all the time like a lot of blogs, but I do hope someone reads this and at least thinks, “hey, at least my life isn’t as bad as hers!”  lol

Had to make a decision last week, along with all 5 of my older siblings, regarding my dad’s health, and I feel very positive about it.  My brother talked to the doctors and nurses about it, and we all believe the right decision was made.  And shock of all shocks, all six of us agreed on something for once in our lives!  lol

This week, my Oldest is going down south to see his grandfather, and though he’s been told his car is perfectly safe to take, he’s still apprehensive about it.  But I totally understand why.  His main concern is that his grandpa won’t recognise him.  And, while I couldn’t tell him that wouldn’t be the case (because it is very unlikely his grandpa will remember him, sadly), I did tell him that his Pop didn’t recognise me or my other two kids when we were down there several months ago.  Which, oddly enough, actually made him feel a bit better about it, to that’s good. 

Anyway, that’s all that’s really happening around here lately.  Hours have definitely picked up, and things are looking a little brighter around here, even if it does mean I have to be awake far more frequently than I prefer.  lol  Hope you all have a fabulous week!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Cautiously optimistic

My hours have picked up a bit at work recently.  This is a good thing, because I need more hours, because more hours mean more pay, and more pay is always a welcome thing.  But I still need a better job with more stable hours, so I’m still looking for that.  I’m sure I’ll find it eventually, it’s just getting rather tiring looking and not finding.  But it is what it is, I guess.

This isn’t going to be a very long post, because there’s really not much that’s post-worthy going on up here.  The kids started back to school last Monday, and we’re settling in to a routine of little to no sleep again.  They’re not used to doing homework, and in truth E doesn’t like doing it anyway, so I have to get on them about that.  Oh, and then there was the hair incident on Friday...

You see, while stuck in Fort Lauderdale with her dad, Miss V bleached her hair on half of her head to blonde.  To even it up, we went out and got a 40-weight peroxide formula and doused that side to make it all the blonde she wanted.  Well, the Sunday before school started, we were staying at a local hotel because the AC in our house broke.  (It was a simple fix, which took less than an hour to repair, thankfully, but couldn’t be done until Monday, because everywhere was closed over the weekend.)  Well, the hotel had a pool, and when I got back from work on Sunday, I joined the kids in said pool and we all had fun swimming around.  However... V’s hair soaked up the over-chlorinated water, and turned a lovely shade of aquamarine.  But only PART of it, and only on the blonde/ damaged side.  

Well, last Friday, she whined and complained, and complained and whined, until I finally gave in and put more of the peroxide on her hair in an attempt to remove the now-faded green colour from her hair.  And that’s when disaster struck.  After just a few minutes, her hair was HOT, and her head was under the shower head, as she frantically tried to wash out all of the peroxide.  By the next morning...  she had lost a good 6” of hair on the left side of her head.  She was absolutely beside herself.  But, after some car drama (I’m telling you, I really need a new car, this one I’m driving is more trouble than it’s worth!), I was able to take her to the Walmart hair salon (the only salon open on Saturday around here) and get her hair fixed.

In the end, she probably lost a good foot of hair, but the stylist was really good about it, gave her some really useful tips on how to take care of her hair now, and the cut is SUPER cute on her.  So disaster recovered, and eventually she’ll get used to it.  Oh, and in solidarity, I had a good 6” cut off my own hair, and now it’s in a complementary style to hers, but one that looks good on me.  ðŸ™‚

Well, that’s all for now.  Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019


Remember the issue I was having with my car?  Well, last week, before we did open house at Miss V’s school, she had to go a couple counties over to her hair stylist for a haircut.  I allowed her to drive there, since she’s been complaining that I don’t let her drive enough, and boy, oh boy, that car was ROUGH!  It really was SCARY being a passenger in it, to the point that I told Miss V I would be driving home, it scared me so much!

So we left, and I drove us straight to the mechanic.  I explained the problem, and he told me to come back in about 2 hours, so V and I ran some errands, and went back.  We sat in his office (a nicely air conditioned building with TV and everything!), and within less than an hour, he came in smiling, holding a little black thing.  It was a second coil pack (the car apparently had THREE of these little things!) that had gone bad.  Well, being skeptical, I said okay, and thank you, and headed out to my car.

Much to my surprise and delight, it was running perfectly again!  No stuttering, no smell of gasoline, nothing!  It even accelerated like a DREAM!  I was SOOO thrilled!  So now my car works properly again, yay!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019


I think I’m getting better at this whole blogging thing.  It takes time and patience, and sometimes I don’t get that time until it’s 3am, but even that is okay.  It means I’m still trying.  And I am.  So that’s what matters.

So, Oldest Son and his love have hit a bump in their road to eternal bliss, and are currently not together.  I don’t know how long this will last, but I have a very strong feeling they’ll be back together before long.  We had a play date with my Little Flower the other day, and she seemed to enjoy it greatly.  After clinging to her mother and father for the better part of the first hour we spent there, she opened up and started playing with Miss V, which pleases Miss V to no end, as before she went south in May, Little Flower would barely even look at her without hollering at her.  She even went to Miss V when her popsicle slid down the little tube thingie it came in and she couldn’t get it anymore.  Miss V was THRILLED by this turn of events, as you can imagine. 

Then, because it was excessively hot outside (it IS still Florida, after all), Little Flower and her older cousin decided to play on the trampoline with the hose shooting at them.  Miss V played with them for a while, and they all had a TON of fun!  However, somehow I neglected to take a single picture!  I was so upset with myself!  But then, on the way home, her mama sent me this sweet picture of what happened less than 10 minutes after we left.

Yep, she plain tuckered herself all out, and was asleep on their couch!  lol

So, that’s all that’s happening around here,other than work and cleaning, both of which need to be done more than they’re getting done at the moment.  But it is what it is, and that’s that!  Have a great day!  ðŸ™‚