Saturday, June 22, 2013

Racing thoughts...

So tonight has been one of those nights where my brain just will NOT let me sleep. It has been running and racing since about 10:30, when I first thought to myself, "Hey, maybe I should try going to bed a little earlier than usual tonight." Guess that was the trigger, because my brain went into super-overload-crafting more, and I haven't been able to stop. I've had ideas and projects racing through my head nearly nonstop ever since. So I decided, what the heck, maybe I should try a few of these ideas out, right? Maybe it'll calm the brain enough to sleep. And this was after straightening/ cleaning under the bathroom sink, too. So I tried out three projects, though one simply involved modifying one previous, and I think I can finally sleep. Biggest problem? Totally forgot to take pictures while I was working. >.< Ah well, I've a feeling I'll definitely be doing all of these projects again, so I'll just have to remember to take pictures then, won't I? :)

Anyway, tonight's projects that I just couldn't get out of my head were bubble dough, (which didn't work so pretty good the first time I tried it using a generic version of Dawn dish soap, so I used a pretty smelling shampoo and that worked nicely, but it looked NOTHING like the pictures/ description on the site, though it was still neat to play with) even better bubble dough, (again, looked/ behaved nothing like what I expected from the site, but was still neat. And yes, I added glitter to mine as well, because glitter rocks! lol) and rainbow rice, (I left out the scent on the rice and so far I've only made two colours, and I made VERY tiny batches of them, just because I wanted to test the technique). But I'm okay with that since I know I'll definitely be making more again, though likely not before we leave to go visit Daddy for a few weeks, given how things have been going. But now I'm going to go try again to sleep and hope I'm more successful this time around than I was the last time. Wish me luck! :)

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