Saturday, June 22, 2013

Peacock Springs, or What We Did for Father's Day

We currently live over 300 miles away from my husband, and the Littles father. This is by choice, but not because we are separated, because we're not. We live so far away because the school system in the county we were in wasn't helping my 11yo when he needed it, and the system where we are now absolutely IS helping him. But Big E hasn't been able to get transferred up to this district yet, so the kids and I are staying with my parents (>.<) while we wait for him to get the transfer. So basically, I've been mother and father this last year, though I never really thought of it that way.

Well, on Father's Day this year, my sister, who is a single mum, decided she wanted to go swimming at one of the Springs (we have two different branches of Blue Springs near us, and they are BOTH delightful!) so I gave in and let the kids have a day of fun at the Springs. We chose to go to the one a county over from us, as it was more likely to have less people at it, but when we got there, it was closed!! However, the very nice ranger told us about Peacock Springs, which neither of us had ever heard of, and so we decided to go there. It was an adventure, to say the least! But it was well worth it, as when we got there there was almost no one there. Peacock Springs is a cave-diving Spring, as there are caverns below the surface of the water, that are apparently wonderful and beautiful, but as I don't know how to scuba dive, I wouldn't know. However, there is also not much actual land to sit/ stand on here, so getting my Littles into the water wasn't easy, believe me!

There were rocks out a bit from the steps, but once you were at the bottom of the steps there was about a 20-foot drop to the bottom of the Spring! Scary thought! And boy oh BOY was that water COLD!!! But it was definitely worth it, the water was so clear and BLUE!!! I will definitely be going back, whether the kids want to or not! :) I had wanted to add some pictures to this, since the Springs were so very lovely, but it appears that I'm having issues doing so from the iPad yet again, so it will have to wait until I can get to the computer, sync my phone's photos, and then do it manually that way. Ah well, such is life! :)

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