Sunday, June 23, 2013

Poison oak is no fun!

So about this time last year, I managed to get exposed to poison oak. This was not a pleasant experience, and I still bear the scars of my encounter today. In the end, after a week of agonizing pain and anguish, I went to the local ER and ended up on a steroid and an anti-itch medication.

This was taken about two days before I went to the ER and yes, it really was that bad. I wasn't just on this leg, it was also on my opposite upper thigh, various parts of both arms, and on my jawline as well, I just didn't get pictures of those. But this was the worst of it, as this is where it began, the rest was spread by contact. Now, a year later, it seems I have gotten into it again, though this time in a much smaller amount, and now I know how to treat it, so maybe it won't be as bad! This time it's on my left wrist (of course, because I just HAD to be left-handed, didn't I?) and I think I actually came into contact with it off my daughter, who his not in the least bit sensitive to it and has no problem touching it.

She has also discovered the wonders of making her own "magic paste" and just LOVES using baking soda and vinegar on every teensy tiny itch she comes across! lol The other day, I swear both of her legs just COVERED in it, because she "got into an ant nest, Mommy!" Yet strangely enough when it flaked off a few minutes later (thank goodness my 11yo loves to vacuum! lol) there wasn't a single mark anywhere on her! My Littles are so silly! :)

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