Wednesday, June 12, 2013

A bit of honesty for ya...

I'll be the first person to tell you that I can't sing. I'm not exactly tone-deaf, but I really can't hold a tune in a bucket. I can tell when someone hits a wrong note in a song, and I can tell when something resonates properly to me, but when it comes to actual singing? Yeah, beyond lullabies, I tend to confine my singing to when no one is around to hear me. But then... But then sometimes, I just can't help myself, and I start to sing whatever I happen to be listening to at the time. Well, I usually take great pains to make sure there is no one around when I'm singing, so as to not hurt delicate little ears, and I had THOUGHT that the kids were all outside feeding the animals, but apparently not, because shortly after I started to really belt one out, my oldest came into my room, a pained look on his face, BEGGING me to please STOP, before his ears started to bleed! (He's not too dramatic a teenager, is he? lol) And of course, this makes me... That's right, you guessed it, SING LOUDER! lol I just couldn't help myself, it was so funny. He closed my door, I opened it, he closed it again, I opened it again, he crawled in on his knees, I laughed. It was probably one of the more amusing interactions we have had lately, truth be told.

But today has been one of those days for me. One of those days when I feel like... I guess when I feel like flying into a thousand pieces and just freaking out on everyone. We are suppose to be leaving to go visit the kids Daddy in two weeks, and the chores the three of them were given in order to be able to go are not being done. And here's the thing. If they don't do what they're suppose to, regardless of how much any one of them or my husband is looking forward to this trip, we will NOT be going. Period. On this I will not budge, because if I give in on this, I'll have to give in on everything, and I don't think I'm ready to lose that much authority here. So while the kids continue to fight with me about doing what they were told, I'm afraid it will just mean the cancellation of everything we had planned. Oh well, not my concern! Getting this place in a decent condition so as to not come home to a horrifying mess is my one and only priority and nothing else will happen until that does. PERIOD. So I'm a mean mommy, I won't give in and let the kids walk all over me and still get what they want. Yep, that's me, mean old Wicked Witch of the West evil mom. And I think I like it that way, at least for now. :)

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