Wednesday, September 17, 2014


I'm good at a lot of things, or so I've been told.  In fact, my mother recently told someone that I'm a wonderful mother and an amazing cook.  The problem?  I hate to clean.  Passionately.  In my nearly-40 years, this has never changed.  In fact, years ago I tried to convince myself that the opposite was true, but it never stuck.  As the youngest of 6 kids, I learned very early on that if I left my mess as it was for long enough, eventually someone else, (typically my mother) would clean it up for me.  Of course, this really doesn't WORK in the real world, there the only person to clean up after you is you.  This is a problem when you're like I am, but at this stage in the game, I don't know if it can be changed, or more to the point, if I even _WANT_ it to change.

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