Wednesday, August 21, 2013


My kids and I moved on Friday, 16, August. It was... Well honestly, to say it was one of the most stressful moves we've ever made would be a definite understatement! We left far later than we had wanted to, as the truck got there much later than anticipated, so we didn't actually arrive at the new house until about 2:30am on Saturday. And then the truck got stuck trying to get into my driveway, and it took over an hour to get it UNstuck, before we could start with the unloading. Which went surprisingly fast, considering how very long it took to load the darned thing! But once everything was in the house, we were able to settle down and sleep for a while. I think the kids fell asleep around 5am or so, but I couldn't manage to get to sleep until nearly 6am. But then we were all up and ready to go for the day by about 11am, go figure. That was when we started finding out all the things about the house that I think I would rather not know... But more of that later!

We spent the better portion of Saturday finishing our school clothes/ shoes shopping, getting food, and doing that sort of thing, then Sunday we went to get school supplies as well as a few essentials that I didn't already have because I left them at the other house for the boys there. And it was Saturday night/ Sunday morning that I realized my 11yo was definitely sick. >.< So he missed the first day of school to go to the doctor, was given appropriate medications to treat his malady, and he went the very next day. The Littles seem to enjoy their classes, which is good since most kids I know don't usually enjoy school, but the oldest... Well, he's an angsty teenager, he doesn't actually LIKE anything anymore! lol But he has expressed satisfaction with his schedule, and the fact that several friends are in many of his classes while his cousin is in none ( and believe me, for him that is DEFINITELY a good thing! lol) so maybe it won't be so bad after all. As for me... Well, I've been unpacking and trying to organize this place, all the while trying to figure out where I'm going to put things, how I'm going to get the rest of my furniture, which is currently at my parents house, to MY house, and slowly realizing how very much was left behind, things that are necessary and generally needed on an almost-daily basis, at that. Ah well, hopefully I'll manage to replace it all, but until then, I suppose I just have to keep doing everything I can to make what I have work, huh?

We've been here a little over a week and a half now, and I've still not managed to finish unpacking. The house is still full of bags, bins, and boxes that need dealing with. I think one of the reasons I haven't managed to finish unpacking is because I don't have the space for my craft stuff, and I really don't want to just toss it all into a closet or something. I want to be able to have it out and use it, since my craft stuff really is rather important to me. I mean, I really love making things, and this place is just about big enough that I can have a crafting area set up all the time, I just need to find a table so I can have it set up. And THAT is what's proving to be so difficult, finding a table to use. I know I will find one, it's simply a question of when, but until then my things remain in boxes, and that is so very frustrating. But I'll manage, I'm sure. After all, I always do! :)

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