Life keeps moving along at a slow, steady pace around here. I’ve spent the last few days that I haven’t been working gathering information and trying to find out how to get things done on our little farm. Sadly, most of the help I’m trying to get depends on ME owning the property, which I currently do not own. So, though I was hoping for a grant to do so, I may have to settle for a loan to buy it from my dad’s estate. Which I don’t necessarily want to have to do, but it is what it is, and if that’s all the “help” that I can get, then I guess I have to go with that. At least then the property will be MINE, and no one, except the bank, can take it away from me.
I’ve also been battling a fairly deep depression lately. It makes me want to sleep all day, and makes it VERY difficult to get ANYTHING done around the house, but I’m still trying. I have a friend coming over to help me set up my laundry line, which will mean we can start doing laundry at home again, instead of having to go to the laundromat all the time. We’ll still need to go to the laundromat for some things, like comforters, and maybe the king-size sheets for my bed, but it’s better than having nothing, and that’s what we currently have, is nothing. I own a dryer, but the part I need to hook it up to the propane was never sent with it, so it’s basically useless, as I can’t hook it up. But I’m fine with a clothesline, and we have PLENTY of sunny days, so it’ll be fine.
Other than that, really, there’s nothing more going on. So here’s a few pictures of my Little Flower to appease the cuteness factor. 🙂

Ooh, she is such an angel baby! ❤️🥰