She was SO proud! She didn’t get to drive immediately, as I had to take the car back to the mechanic, but I let her drive after we were done with getting it serviced. I’m realising just how much my sister taught my Oldest to drive, because I don’t remember EVER being as high-strung when he was driving as I was Monday while she was! lol
We went to an unoccupied parking lot to practice parking, and she... promptly mashed the gas instead of the brake, and ran up over parking bumper and ALMOST up onto the sidewalk in front of it.
I laughed, as I had done this exact same thing when my sister (the same who taught the Oldest to drive, in fact) was first teaching ME to drive! But she got upset, because she thought she was going to get in trouble for it, and started to cry a bit, until I assured her that it was fine, and she could continue driving, but only if SHE wanted to keep going. She did, and we went on.
This was taken as we were on our way home. So far parking and turns seem to be her biggest problems, naturally, as she is just starting out, and she understands that this is the reason she won’t be driving all the way home from my work yet, but instead will be driving from a gas station much closer to the house instead. And NOW she’s okay with that. So she’ll continue getting practice each day, and Sunday, when I’m off work, we’ll go to a local community college and she can, once again, try to work on her parking and turning skills in a lot where she can’t do much harm to anything important. lol
Otherwise, things are going well. We’ll see if I can manage to continue keeping up with this blog. Not that I expect anyone to be interested in it, I’m not a very interesting person, but I’m still going to try! I have to work today, unfortunately, but it’ll be fine, and as usual I’ll get through it, because what else is there to do? The husband leaves early Wednesday to work at a festival, and will be gone until Sunday, so it’ll be a nice, quiet end of the week and weekend for the rest of us. Hope y’all have a great week! 🥰